dimecres, 4 de novembre del 2015


This is the winning composition describing the mascot for the forthcoming English Day 2016.
The first stage (writing) is already done. Today we start the second stage (reading comprehension) and ALL students are to draw their mascot according to the given description. The winner will be the person who, respecting the composition at 100%, will design the best mascot, a mascot that everyone will love at first sight.
The deadline to deliver your drawings is next Monday 16 November. So you have 12 days ( that is 288 hours or 17,280 minutes). There we gooooooooo .....

Hey! My mascot is a bum bag. People call him Sloth. He is one year old. He’s from The UK but he lives in Miami Beach. He is small and blue; he has got blue eyes and he has got blond hair. He’s wearing orange shoes and colourful socks. He’s very angry and sometimes he is sad. Sloth likes playing football and American football, too. He loves balls and his favourite colour is orange. He is a fantastic bum bag!

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